The House of ShoesAvenue

the three of us : me, g'ja n nok ariff

my lecture : pn nor erlissa i have complete one of my project...
it was from subject e-commerce....what an intersting project...
the three of us which is my group members were preparing to do an online business....
agak senang lah jugak nak wat banda alah nie....
my position were on product upload gambar je la keje ny.heheh....
our dreming company's name was The House of ShoesAvenue.....boleh berangan je lah...
so...the presentation was quite simple n short...
and..our lecture pn nor erlissa was so cute at that day....
tengok die pakai baju pragnet sangat-sangat cute lah...
thank to her coz being sporting and sempoi....
she was one of my best lecture for this semester....
i'm proud to learn about online business....
mana tau one day mybe i will doing online business ke kan...
well...that all for today
and if intresting just visit to our web site....

p/s : lepas je abis presentation terus bejalan-jalan seronok kan diri tenangkan fikiran.hahahha...
what a nice day....


Samania Sama said...

eh ade nmpk ckit muke aku..huhuhu:p

-Blackberry- said...

cmne lak ko tau blog aku nie...
mn dapat...???

Samania Sama said...

tgk kt blog as..;-)
camne nk follow blog ko ek..

-Blackberry- said...

xyah follow2 lah...
aku malas nak letak benda alah 2...
dis sem aku x aktif lsng pun....
malu jek....hehehhe...